HexaTrek is a 3034 km hiking trail, connecting 14 of the most beautiful nationals parks and crossing France from the Vosges to the Pyrenees.
The path follows the highest mountain regions of our country, often nicknamed "l'Hexagone" for its hexagonal shape, joining together some of the most emblematic summits, natural wonders and wildest places.
47 Great Hiking GR® trails have been brought together in a single path to create this thru hike.
Stopping off in the most picturesque villages, HexaTrek is a journey into wilderness, tradition, history and french culture.
Leaving for several months to cross France requires preparation!
Find our 3 most useful articles to help you organize.
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Once a month, we will share important news, tutorials to better prepare yourself and articles dedicated to hiking.
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Discover the route in pictures, the most beautiful landscapes that are crossed, illustrated every day on our page.
Every day a landscape
Press articles, hiking advice or even initiatives from the HexaTrek community, all our latest information is on our facebook page.
The news of the trail
Already more than 3000 Hexatrekkers have joined us, we regularly answer questions and organize audio conferences to help hikers prepare.
Discussion Group
Immerse yourself in the heart of the trail, this documentary film invites you to discover the HexaTrek, an extraordinary long hike in the heart of the mountains, 3000km to connect the most beautiful natural parks in France.
For several months, we went to meet these hikers who cross France on foot to immortalize their stories and their adventures on the Trail.
HexaTrek Association
With your membership fee, you allow the HexaTrek Association to continue its adventure while developing the trail for future hikers.
Join the HexaTrek Association, receive invitations to organized events, benefit from advantages offered by the association and participate in the HexaTrek community.
Your donations are eligible for tax receipts allowing you to deduct 66% of the amount paid from your taxable income.
Would you like to share your hiking days on Strava?
Join the HexaTrek Club, share your activities and find the journey of other hikers
Vosges - Doubs - Jura
Etape 1 - Le Grand Est
Rencontrez les paysages féeriques du Grand-Est.
Entre forêts verdoyantes et cascades d’eau cristalline, à travers les trésors cachés de l’est français.
670 km
Dénivelé +
21.200 m
20 à 35 J
Savoie - Beaufortain - Vanoise
Etape 2 - Alpes du Nord
Une traversée au cœur des plus beaux paysages de montagne, au centre de la mythique chaine des Alpes.
382 km
Dénivelé +
22.500 m
15 à 30 J
Ecrins - Belledonne - Vercors
Etape 3 - Hautes Alpes
Les Hautes-Alpes sont un paradis pour les randonneurs qui s’y aventurent. Des espaces naturels sublimes à chaque virage de l'étape.
497 km
Dénivelé +
26.800 m
20 à 35 J
Cévennes - Tarn - Languedoc
Etape 4 - Gorges & Causses
Ici, les gorges ont façonné les paysages au fil du temps et de l’eau. Créant de hauts plateaux entre les jonctions de ces rivières, ces reliefs offrent aux randonneurs de l’HexaTrek d’incroyables points de vue.
514 km
Dénivelé +
14.300 m
15 à 25 J
Corbière - Catalogne - Ariége
Etape 5 - Pyrénées Est
L’itinéraire de cette étape traverse continuellement les frontières, entre la France, l’Andorre et L’Espagne. Vous resterez au cœur du massif pyrénéen, au plus proche des sommets.
532 km
Dénivelé +
30.600 m
25 à 35 J
Whether you are going for the big adventure, or just a section of the HexaTrek, discover each stages in more detail
Vosges - Doubs - Jura
Stage 1 - The Great East
Discover the mystical landscapes of the Grand Est.
Between green forests and crystal clear waterfalls through the hidden treasures of Eastern France.
670 km
21.200 m
20 à 35 J
Savoie - Beaufortain - Vanoise
Stage 2 - Northern Alps
Throughout the heart of the most beautiful mountain landscapes, hike and enjoy the beautiful vistas in the center of the exceptional Alps.
382 km
22.500 m
15 à 30 J
Ecrins - Belledonne - Vercors
Stage 3 - Southern Alps
The Hautes-Alpes are a paradise for hikers who venture there. You will encounter magnificent natural areas at every corner.
497 km
26.800 m
20 à 35 J
Cévennes - Tarn - Languedoc
Stage 4 - Gorges & Causses
Here, time and water have shaped the landscape and dug deep gorges. Creating high plateaux between the junctions of these rivers, this contrast offer HexaTrek hikers incredible views.
514 km
14.300 m
15 à 25 J
Corbière - Catalogne - Ariége
Stage 5 - East Pyrenees
The itinerary of this stage crosses the borders continuously, between France, Andorra and Spain. You will remain in the heart of the Pyrenean range, close to the summits.
532 km
30.600 m
25 à 35 J
Find all the points of interest, bivouac areas, refuges and all the places essential to your autonomy
The official application of the trail, finally available!
All maps are available offline
Find all the bivouac areas, unguarded shelters and huts along the trail and know where to spend the night.
Don't miss any of the unmissable points of interest, natural wonders and the most beautiful villages in France
Identify water and resupply points to guarantee your autonomy
Whether you are leaving for the great adventure, or simply a section of the Hexatrek, discover the most beautiful landscapes of the trail in pictures
Le Club Vosgien, un partenaire d’exception
Que cela soit un simple banc, une table de pique-nique, un abri ou encore un châlet-refuge, vous croiserez de nombreux aménagements entretenus par le Club Vosgien et leur bénévoles. À travers leurs sentiers et leurs balisages d’une qualité unique en France, vous découvrirez le massif des Vosges et leur richesse historique, culturelle ainsi que leur biodiversité remarquable.
HexaTrek - La randonnée longue distance de France
Alors que les Etats-Unis ont le Pacific Crest Trail, que la Nouvelle-Zélande a le Te Araroa, il etait grand temps de donner à la France un parcours qui mette en valeur toute la beauté et la diversité de ses paysages ! Une équipe d’authentiques passionnés lancent l’HexaTrek en 2022 : 3 034 km de sentiers à travers les montagnes !
A la une
Top 10 Thru-Hike au monde
Les sentiers de longue randonnée inspirent des récits contradictoires de solitude et de camaraderie, de lits de rivière déserts et de plateaux de montagne, de plaisir et de douleur.
L'idée de parcourir des milliers de kilomètres à pied est elle-même à peine croyable. C'est peut-être ce qui rend ces aventures si mémorables.
Club Vosgien is partner of the HexaTrek
Whether it's a simple bench, a picnic table, a shelter or even a refuge shawl, you will come across many facilities maintained by the Club Vosgien and their volunteers. Through their trails and their markings of a unique quality in France, you will discover the Vosges mountains and their historical and cultural wealth as well as their remarkable biodiversity.
Hexatrek - The French thru hiking trail
United States has the Pacific Crest Trail, New Zealand has the Te Araroa, it was time to give France a trail that would hike all the beauty and diversity of its landscapes! A team of true enthusiasts are launching the HexaTrek in 2022: 3,000 km of trails through the mountains!
Breaking News
Top 10 Thru-Hike in the world
Long-distance trails inspire conflicting tales of solitude and camaraderie, of deserted riverbeds and mountain plateaus, of pleasure and pain.
The idea of walking thousands of miles is itself hardly believable. Perhaps that is what makes these adventures so memorable.